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Options for Different Background Checks

For different individuals or teams, you can choose different levels of background checks, depending on what you need for each specific situation.

Faith Teams offers Four Different Options for Background Checks:

Faith Teams Background Check

Which Background should you Choose?

Ultimately this is completely up to you, but we highly recommend that you put plenty of thought into this decision. This is one of the highest RISKS churches have – allowing people to serve and not doing due diligence in making sure people are safe.

Within your Faith Teams account, you can choose different types of Background Checks for different people and teams. We highly recommend that you get the right people involved in making this decision. Sometimes a Board of Trustees or a group of Elders is great in making this plan.

NOTE: Please Remember that MOST CRIME happens at the LOCAL LEVEL. This is important when deciding which Background Check to require.

To help you decide which background check you should choose, below is a list of the different options and descriptions for each one.

MVR (Motor Vehicle Record):

A Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) is a report of driving history, as reported by the state Department of Motor Vehicles or a similar government entity which issues driver licenses. While this may vary from one state to the next depending on local reporting practices, information reported in MVRs includes driver’s license status and class, violations, convictions, restrictions, and other information related to driving records and credentials.

MVR reports can help identify candidates with unsafe driving records, to help you assess the risk of potential and current employees. Some convictions are only available on MVR reports and may not always show up on criminal searches, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

MVR checks identify the following:

  • Full Name
  • Current License Status
  • Current License Type
  • Current License Class
  • Current License Expiration Date
  • Current License Issue Date*
  • Current License First Issued Date*
  • Restrictions
  • Suspensions
  • Violations
  • Clerical Updates

“BASIC” Background Check:

The Basic report includes the most common search criteria:

  • SSN Trace
  • Sex Offender Registry Check
  • Global Watchlist Registry Check
  • National Criminal Database Check

“STANDARD” Background Check:

The Standard background check includes all of the screenings in the Basic check, as well as a County Criminal Records Check of your volunteer’s or candidate’s current county of residence.

“PRO” Background Check:

The Pro background check includes all of the screenings in the Standard check.

The Pro background check also includes a County Criminal Check that searches every county in which your candidate or volunteer has had a registered address for the past 7 years. This provides a more thorough screening for more sensitive roles. The Basic Package does not automatically initiate a County Criminal Check for these previous addresses unless one of the other Checks in the Basic Package indicates that there might be a record to be found in these counties.

By including this expanded county criminal search in the background check packages for your staff and volunteers, you are driving a higher level of assurance that the individuals you are onboarding meet your community’s trust and safety standards.

What is a COUNTY Criminal Records Check:

Both the “Standard” and “Pro” background checks include “County Criminal Records Checks”.

What does that mean? And Why is it important?

A County Criminal Records Check is a search of publicly available county criminal records including felony, misdemeanor, and pending criminal records. Checkr initiates this search based on information revealed from our National Criminal Database Check or SSN Trace. When a “hit” is identified in the National Criminal Database Check, Checkr automatically upgrades the report to use county level verification. This means that Checkr searches any counties identified by the National Criminal Database Check as having a possible record to obtain.

For many criminal records, the county courthouse is the source of truth. County records, which make up the majority of criminal offenses, are available in all counties in all 50 states, and are located in county courthouses across the 3,200 counties in the US. We highly recommend including a county-level search, for a more clear and complete picture of the individual you are screening.