How Can We Help?
Access REPORTS to see Trend Charts, Graphs, and Line Items for things like Contributions and Attendance.
Throughout the software, you can download spreadsheets with just about any kind of data you can imagine, but our Pre-Built Reports give you visual clarity around trends you want to know about as a church leader.
Pre-Built REPORTS available: (and we are regularly adding more)
- Contributions by Fund: See all your contributions grouped by your different FUNDS (Tithing, Missions, Building Fund, etc.).
- Contributions by Type: See all your contributions grouped by the TYPE of donation (Cash, Check, Digital, etc.).
- Contributions by Contributor: See contributions listed by each individual donor. (This is a great way to identify “Top Givers”).
- New Donors: Easily see new donors, listed with the newest donors at the top of the list.
- Attendance: Run Attendance Charts for your events, and even specific classes.
- Visitors: Get Visitor data, and easily see people who have visited a specific number of times.
- SMS Campaigns: Get insights into the SMS text campaigns you have sent out.
- Email Campaigns: Get insights into the Email campaigns you have set out.
Below is an example of the “Contributions by Fund” Report: