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Sending Emails

We know how important Communication is for Church Leaders, so we have weaved Email capabilities all throughout your account.

There are several ways and places to send emails through Faith Teams.

Easy-Click Emailing:

From any Individual Profile Page, simply click their Email Address to send an individual email.

From the People List:

  1. From your People List, check the checkboxes to select one or more people.
  2. Click “Actions”.
  3. Click either “Send Email (Simple)” or “Send Email (Template)”.

From the TAGS Screen:

  1. From the TAGS Screen, you can send a text message to everyone with a specific TAG.
  2. Check the check box to select the Tag.
  3. From the list of people who have that Tag, use the checkboxes to select one or more people.
  4. Click “Actions”.
  5. Click either “Send Email (Simple)” or “Send Email (Template)”.

From the Messaging Tab:

  1. From the “Messaging” menu tab, click “Email Templates”.
  2. Find the Template you want to Send.
  3. Click the “Send” ICON beside that template.