How Can We Help?


Setting up Your List of Funds

You can add the different FUNDS your church uses.

Examples: Tithing, Building Funds, Missions, etc.

  1. Click on the “Contributions” tab in the menu.
  2. Click “Funds”.

You will see a list of all your Funds.

  1. To edit the name or description of an existing fund, simply click it in your list, make your changes, and click “Save”.
  2. Click the Blue + Symbol to Add a New Fund.
  3. Click “Arrange” to rearrange your list of Funds.
  4. You can set one of your Funds as “Default”.  This will make that fund show up as the “default” fund selected as your team is inputting contributions into Faith Teams, which speeds up the process.

You can choose to show or hide this fund as an option internally as your team is inputting contributions into Faith Teams.

You can also choose to show or hide this fund as an option externally for people who are giving online.