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Running Donor Statements

Running Donor Statements is an incredibly important part of managing your church, but it’s notorious for being difficult and complicated.

Not anymore. Faith Teams makes this process simple.

NOTE: Make sure you are inputting all your individual contributions into Faith Teams. If you are using a different online giving platform, you will want to manually input those into Faith Teams so that you have one single place where all your contribution data lives.

Here’s the Simple Step-by-Step Process:

From the menu, click “Contributions”, then click “Donor Statements”.

  1. In the top left corner, you will see “Statement Letter on File”. This is the personal letter you want to include as the front page of every donor statement. Click the GEAR Icon to type this message.
  2. Next, you will see “Email Template on File”. This is the Email Template that will be used when emailing statements to donors. Click the GEAR Icon to select the email template you want to use or to create one.
  3. Select the Date Range you want to run donor statements for.
  4. Check the checkbox “Combine Family Contributions into Single Statement” if you wish to do this.
  5. In the Funds List, check the checkboxes for the funds you want to include in your donor statements.
  6. Click “RUN”.

Distributing Statements to Donors:

After you have clicked “RUN”, you should see a list of Donor Statements on the right side of the screen.

If you want to download an individual statement, click the Download Icon beside that person’s name.

If you want to distribute all these statements to your donors, you have several options to do this.

First, click “Download Options”, then choose from:

  • Download Checked
    • This lets you check the checkbox beside several names, and download only the ones you’ve checked.
  • Download All
    • This lets you download all the statements
  • Email Checked
    • This lets you check the checkbox beside several names, and email statements the ones you’ve checked.
  • Email All
    • This lets you email statements to every donor who has an email address on file
  • Download Only Statements with No Email Address
    • This lets you download all the statements where the donor doesn’t have an email address on file

NOTE: When you download your Donor Statements, you will receive a ZIP File. This zip file will contain Individual Statements, but it will also include a MERGED PDF. This Merged File includes all the Individual Statements and can be printed with a single click. Each statement will be printed individually, including the cover letter.