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Setting up Labels and Kids Check-in

When you set up Kids Check-in and Label Printing for your church, you will be able to check a family in, print labels for each child, and another label for the parent/guardian to use when picking their kids up. This is a great way to enhance security in your Kid’s Ministry areas.

Quick Note:

First of all, understand this: Label Printing is set up at the CLASS LEVEL.

Remember, when you are doing check-in, each of your environments is considered a CLASS (even your main auditorium worship service will be a “class”).

Label Printing is set up at the “Class” Level, which makes it very flexible, allowing you to print labels for only the classes you want to.

Set up Label-Printing & Kid’s Check-In Options:

  1. From the Menu, click “Events”, then click “Calendar”.
  2. Click on any occurrence of the event you want to set up label printing for, then click “Check-In”.
  3. For this setup process, you can choose either “Family Check-In” or “Roster Check-in”.
  4. From the Check-In screen, click the GEAR ICON near the top right of the screen to access your List of Classes.
  5. Beside the class you want to set up label printing for, click “Label Settings”.

After you click “Label Settings”, you’ll see these options:

  1. Print Labels upon Checkin for this Class?
  2. Allow Checkouts for this Class?
  3. Require certain information is captured for Checkin?

Print Labels for this Class:

  • When you check this checkbox, labels will instantly print when you check a person into this class.
  • When checking in a family, a label will be printed for each child, and a separate label will be printed for the parent/guardian.
  • You can also select up to 3 things you would like to be printed on each child label.

CheckOUTS for this Class:

  • When you check this checkbox, you will be able to record when a child was checked OUT of this class.
  • The process for checking kids OUT is the same as checking them IN, except you will click the “Shield” to check them out.
  • You can also check the checkbox to require the Name of the person who checked them out.

Requiring Information to be Captured for Check-in:

  • When you check this checkbox, the system will look for certain information for the person checking in, and if it doesn’t exist in your database, your check-in team will be prompted to ask for it before they can be checked in.
    • Example: Requiring an Emergency Contact Phone # is on file.
  • You can choose to require information from all the Standard Profile Fields or from your Custom Fields.