4 Essentials to Making 2021 Great at your Church

2021, growth

Wow – 2020 was a wild year, to say the least. The entire world has been thrown into a season of confusion, fear, and uncertainty. When it comes to church, so many things have shifted, our plans have been altered, and so many questions have challenged us to change plans from month-to-month.

It’s been a monumental challenge.

But as we look at 2021, we have to KNOW that it’s STILL God’s desire that our churches become stronger.

  • The world STILL needs Hope.
  • Families STILL need Help.
  • People STILL need Answers.

The Answer to ALL these things is STILL Jesus Christ, and the Local Church is STILL the vehicle God designed to deliver His Hope to the world.

You’ve probably heard stories of great football teams who NEEDED to turn their program around, and their success was found in getting back to the foundational BASICS. The same is for the church in 2021. We have to return to a strong focus on the basics.

If you wanna flip the script and make 2021 a year of offense instead of defense, there are few things you MUST have.


The top layers of leadership within your church are KEY to making 2021 a great year. It starts at the top and sifts down from there.

If you’re a Senior Pastor or on the Pastoral staff at your church, it’s so critical that you Lead-Strong during this season.

  • Your Vision has to be strong.
  • Your Communication has to be strong.
  • Your Commitment has to be strong.
  • Your Relationships have to be strong.

It’s also important that we spend this season pouring into that next layer of leaders, and empowering them to do what they were called to do. Especially in tougher seasons, we’re tempted to hold everything that has any weight, but God wants you to LEAD your leaders into a role where THEY hold some weight too. They’re gifted and called, but you hold the keys to their future. Set them up to win and they’ll help your church thrive this year.


Without a clear strategy, you’ll spend this year on random activities that may or may-not lead your church forward. I understand the hesitation because there are some unknowns about the future, but you as a church leader have to be CERTAIN about the direction of your church.

“We weren’t called to coast.” – Jared Hight

There will be the temptation to coast through this season… to wait and see what happens. But God needs the church to be proactive right now.

One of the BEST things you can do as a Pastor is connect with a couple of other churches who are larger and more proactive than you are. Develop a working relationship with them, letting them know that you want to learn from them, and work together to make both of your churches stronger. Ask them practical questions about their approach to 2021, and implement things you see that could grow your church.

A clear strategy for the year will release confidence and passion within your leadership team and congregation.


Money shouldn’t be “the” focal point of any church, but it should be “a” focal point of the leadership. Finances make it possible for us to move forward. Without financial health, we’ll constantly hit roadblocks along the way.

The better you get at managing and projecting the finances of your church, the more confident you will be in making plans and committing to a strategy.

Go back and read this blog post from January 2020 to get some insights into the things you can do to increase the culture of generosity within your church.

4. GOD

Without a doubt, this is the #1 component to a successful 2021 at your church – GOD. You need the power of the Holy Spirit working on your behalf, giving you wisdom, and opening possibilities that you could never do on your own.

Our church is in the middle of “21 Days of Prayer and Fasting” where we are calling on the entire church to engage in an intentional season of prayer and fasting, believing together that God is going to show up in our church and lead us this year.

Throughout the Bible, we find story after story showing us the POWER of prayer and fasting, which connects us more deeply to God, releasing our faith and His provision.

Go deeper yourself, to challenge your leaders and members to go deeper, and push into a more intimate connection with our Mighty God.

Without Him, we’ll NEVER reach our greatest potential, but With God, ALL THINGS are possible!

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