
You Can’t Manage It If You Can’t Measure It.

Peter Drucker, an American management consultant and writer, is often credited with saying, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”.  Drucker’s point was that without measuring and tracking progress, what…

How Big is Your Church?

How Large is My Church? As you look at your Sunday church attendance or at your size of membership, you may ask: “How large is my church?” The answer should…

3 Simple Church Growth Tips for 2023

As we go into 2023, there’s no shortage of things you COULD do, but as Church Leader, what you desire most is growth!  Not just numerical growth – You want…

7 Good Reasons for a Leader to Say NO

It’s tough disappointing people. Every time the word “No” is said, someone isn’t happy with the answer. Yet, the reality is there are good reasons for a leader to use…

6 Front Doors of the Church

The Great Commission is the CORE of Christianity, where Jesus gave this challenge: From there, His followers went into town after town doing everything they could to IMPACT the culture…

4 Reasons Preparation is SO Important

You’ve probably heard the talk about the Law of Preparation and how it has massive influence on church growth. It’s the idea of being prepared for the next stage BEFORE…

9 Ways to STOP Leaders in your Church

The world of church leadership is interesting.  We’re trying to operate with excellence and get a lot of things accomplished, but we’re mainly working with volunteers, not paid employees. Because…