The Great Commission is the CORE of Christianity, where Jesus gave this challenge:
From there, His followers went into town after town doing everything they could to IMPACT the culture with the Truth of Jesus Christ. That’s still the challenge for all of us. Our role is to do everything we can to impact this generation with the Hope and the Truth of Jesus Christ.
Over the past several decades, the world has sped up, and is constantly changing. The way we engage and interact with the world has changed drastically. The message we believe hasn’t changed, but the way people engage and interact most certainly has.
When we talk about the “front doors” of the church, we’re talking about a place where a new person will check out a church for the first time.
And it’s probably NOT your physical building during the weekend services.
We tend to think that people just randomly show up, but the overwhelming majority of people who physically show up at your church have already checked your church out in some form or fashion.
Over time, different “front doors” have proven to be more effective. Different eras have seen trends which were more successful, but at any given time, there are multiple entryways people are taking as they connect with a local church.
Here are 6 Front Doors introducing new people to your Church:
1. Members
As simple as it sounds, the people who already attend your church are probably your biggest billboard. The way they build relationships, share, communicate, and treat people is a direct advertisement for your church. Preaching, Teaching and Training Matters. The Culture of your church Matters.
Because members & attenders are continuous examples of their church to their families, friends, and everyone else they interact with.
As people have life-giving interactions with members of your church, there’s a MUCH greater chance they’ll eventually show up at your church.
2. Groups
Groups are simply smaller gatherings of the people within your church. There are lots of different models of groups. Many churches use free-market, semester-based groups as a way to enlist leaders to host groups in their homes, at coffee shops, restaurants, etc.
And while these groups are hosted by people in your church, they should welcome others. Many churches are seeing an increased number of people from outside their church who attend a group before they ever visit the actual church property.
For people who are highly “relational”, coming to a GROUP is an easy step for them, especially when there’s a direct invitation from somebody who has already became their friend. Groups are a great entryway for new people to meet people, develop relationships, and start hearing what your church is about.
3. Church Website
At this point, most of us realize that our church website is a HUGE “front door” to our church.
Here are some stats regarding your church website:
- Over 80% of new visitors head to a church’s website before stepping into its building.
- 46% of people say a website’s design is their #1 criteria for determining the credibility of an organization.
- 52% of Sunday morning church website viewers are first-time visitors to the site.
People want to get a glimpse of your church before they just show up. They may have questions about what you have for their kids, what your church believes, etc. Your church website matters. A lot.
4. Online Experience
This is different than your website. It can be included in your website, but it’s different.
The most current trend is that people want to experience a full worship service before they attend in person.
Right Now, THIS is the #1 method people prefer when they are considering a church.
While it’s not exactly like being there in person, they can see what it feels like, what the music is like, what the preaching is like, and more.
Use your church website and your social media channels to lead people to an opportunity to see a full service in action, whether it’s through Live Streaming, Service Archives, a YouTube Channel, etc.
5. Social Media
Simply said, people live on social media. Not everybody, but close.
Your church presence on social media is incredibly important. It’s a clear opportunity for you to share pictures, videos, encouragement, information about upcoming events, and a lot more.
More and more, churches are seeing the value in this as a “front door”, and assigning a staff member or volunteer team to focus more and more attention toward social media to connect with people where they are and introduce them to the church.\
If you’re not sure where to start, or you just want to get more intentional about your reach on social media, Click Here to read “A Simple Game Plan for your Church Social Media”
6. Community Serving
If your church has some kind of regular community serving opportunity, you may have only viewed this as a way for your members to serve, but it’s also a great opportunity to introduce new people to your church by inviting them to be a part of serving as well.
Example: At one Faith Teams church, they have a monthly food give-away. Hundreds of needy families show up on the second Saturday of the month, and the church is able to serve them by providing them food boxes. Lots of people outside the church are also passionate about making a difference in the community, so they church invites them to play a part. It takes a large team of people to organize, pack boxes, register people, and load cars – and they church gets to work alongside people outside the church to make it happen.
When people serve in a Community Outreach, they get to connect with some of your members, and see the heart of your church.
No matter how people find your church, make sure you have a Clear and Effective Guest Follow-Up Strategy in place. If you need some help, CLICK HERE to get our Free Guest Follow-up Cheat Sheet.
The Great Commission is still GREAT. Jesus Christ is STILL the Hope that people need.
As you read through the list above, simply work on making these “front doors” better and better, preparing your church to impact your city.